Protecting your Business is no simple matter!
Here are a few helpful tips, courtesy of the Emerson Police Department
– Whenever possible, keep your register away from the front entrance of the store.
– Don’t block windows with posters, ads, or signage. Maintain visibility into your business.
– Place cameras inside and outside near the entrance to your business, this may even reduce your insurance costs!
Robbery Prevention Self-Check List
– If closing down for an extended period, put the business e-mail on automatic reply, don’t say that your business is closed.
– Check that you are comfortable with terms and amount of insurance coverage.
– Keep the boundaries of your premises secure.
– Make sure your display counters and cases are low enough to keep sightlines free.
– Place your register far enough back from the door.
– Install a hold-up alarm system – instruct all employees in its use.
– Keep cash on hand to a minimum.
– Vary your routine for making bank deposits.
– Familiarize your employees with robbery prevention measures.
– Check job applicant references and do complete background checks before hiring.