The safety and security of our students has been and always will be a top priority at our schools. I urge all caregivers to exercise caution when operating vehicles near and around our schools.
• Parking in the designated drop-off zone during arrival or dismissal is NOT permitted. This area is reserved for parents to ‘drop and go.’
• Waiting in the drop-off zone, exiting your vehicle to help students out of the car, or leaving your car there to walk your child to another location disrupts the flow of traffic, and creates an unsafe situation.
• DO not park your car in the drop-off zone or double park in the area.
• All cars should go to the farthest point of the drop-off zones so that additional cars can enter and exit the zone safely.
• All cars should drive slowly and attentively near our schools. Pedestrians should ALWAYS be given the right of way regardless of the presence of a crossing guard.
• Seating school-aged children on the rear passenger side of the vehicle enables them to exit the car safely to the sidewalk. Please avoid having students exit the vehicle from the driver’s side.